8 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Matematika Diskrit melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Unismuh Makassar

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Enelitian yang ilakukan secara kolaboratif antara osen model (pengajar)dan dosen pengamat (observer). Tujuan  yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk Meningkatkan hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Matematika Diskrit Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Unismuh Makassar melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match. Penelitian ini dilakukan bersiklus, yaitu melalui tahapan perencanaan (planning), tindakan (action), pengamatan (observation), dan refleksi (reflection). Pada tahap perencanaan (planning) ini dikembangkan perangkat perkuliahan. Proses pengembangan perangkat melalui fase penyusunan draft, validasi, dan revisi. Selain itu, pada tahap tindakan (action) perangkat perkulihan yang suddah dikembangkan digunakan dalam proses perkuliahan. Pada tahap pengamatan (observation) selama proses perkulihan dilakukan observasi terhadap mahasiswa dan dosen beserta interaksi yang terjadi. Pada tahap refleksi (reflection) Hasil observasi terhadap mahasiswa dan dosen dibawah ke pertemuan tim peneliti untuk dianalisis. Hasil analisis dijadikan sebagai bahan perbaikan pembelajaran pada pertemuan selanjutnya. Instrumen yang diunakan dalam penelitian meliputi jurnal harian, lembar observasi aktivitas mahasiswa, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, tes hasil belajar dan angket respon mahasiswa. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa semakin aktif. Hasi tes menunjukkan sebelum perlakuan dari 33 mahasiswa, tidak ada mahasiswa yang mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) 75, sedangkan setelah perlakuan sebanyak 28 atau 84,84% mencappai KKM, meskipun belum ada yang memperoleh nilai ideal 100. Mahasiswa juga memberikan respon positif terhadap model pembalajaran yang diterapkan

    Grant of Sucrose and Non-nutritive Sucking to Pain Response and the Long Cries of Neonates to Invasive Procedures

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    Intoduction: Hospitalized neonates may experience pain caused by invasive procedures. Sucrose and non-nutritive sucking are non-pharmacological analgesics. The aimed of this study was to examine the effectiveness of sucrose and non-nutritive sucking administration on pain and crying duration of neonates during invasive procedures. Method: The study used quasi-experimental design with post-test only control group design approach. This study used nonprobability sampling technic with consecutive sampling. The sample consisted of 45 neonates, divided into three groups, each group of 15 neonates. Result: The results showed that the pain response and the crying duration were insignificantly different between the sucrose group and the NNS, respectively p = 0.635 and p = 0.848. Discussion: Age was identified as a confounding variable that effected pain responses. Provision of sucrose and NNS proven to reduce pain as non-pharmacological pain management for neonates during invasive procedures

    Consumption of Fruit and Vegetable with Risk of Obesity in School-age Children

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    Introduction: The problem of obesity in children aged 5-12 years in Indonesia is still high, East Java is one of the provinces that have a higher prevalence of obesity than the national average (Riskesdas 2013). Consumption of fruit and vegetables affects the level of obesity\u27s risk, but nowadays fruit and vegetable consumption in school-age children are low. This study was aimed to determine the correlation between consumption patterns of fruits and vegetables with the risk of obesity in school-age children in Ketabang I Surabaya elementary school. Method: This research uses the descriptive correlation method with cross sectional approach. The population of this research is students in grade 4 and 5. Purposive sampling technique used to select 69 respondents as samples. The independent variable in this study is the consumption pattern of fruit and vegetable, while the dependent variable is the risk of obesity. The data were analyzed with chi-square test. Result: The results of this research showed that most of the respondents consume less fruit and vegetable (52%). The number of respondents who are obese is 20%, while the number of respondents who have high risk is 13%. Statistical analysis showed that the consumption pattern of fruits and vegetables has a correlation with the risk of obesity (p = 0.009). Discussion: There was a significant relationship between the consumption patterns of fruit and vegetables with risk of obesity in school-age children in Ketabang I Surabaya elementary school. Further studies should examine the appropriate interventions to overcome the problem of obesity in school-age children

    The Effectiveness of Play Therapy and Musical Therapy in Reducing the Hospitalization Stress

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    Introduction: Hospitalization in pediatric patients may caused an anxiety and stress in all age levels. Several techniques can be applied to reduced hospitalization stress in children, such as playing therapy and music therapy. The objective of this study was to analyze the difference of effectiveness between both therapies in reducing the hospitalization stress in 4-6 years old children. Method: A quasy-experimental pre-posttest design was used in this study. There were 18 respondents, divided into three groups, i.e. group one receiving playing therapy, group two receiving music therapy and the last group as control group. Data were collected by using observation sheet before and after intervention to recognize the hospitalization stress. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with significance level of α<0.05. Result: Result showed that playing therapy and music therapy had significant effect to reduce the hospitalization stress with p=0.027 for play therapy, p=0.024 for musical therapy, and p=0.068 for control. Mann Whitney U Test revealed that there were no difference in the effectiveness of play therapy and musical therapy in reducing the hospitalization stress with p=0.009 for play therapy and control group, p=0.012 for music therapy and control group, and p=0.684 for playing therapy and musical therapy. Discussion: It can be concluded that play therapy and musical therapy are equally effective to reduce the hospitalization stress in children. It's recommended for nurses in pediatric ward to do playg therapy and musical therapy periodically

    Teknik Relaksasi Imagery Terhadap Respons Penerimaan (Psikologis Dan Biologis) Dalam Prosedur Invasif Pada Anak Usia Sekolah (8-12 Tahun)

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    The objective of this study was to explain the effect of the imagery relaxation technique on psychological acceptance and biologic response in school age (8-12 years) on the invasive procedure. The design used in this study was static group comparison. The population was the school age patient, around 8-12 years in Melati Room RSUP Dr. Soedono Madiun. Sample of this study were 20 respondent, recruited by using purposive sampling consisting of 10 respondents as the control group and 10 respondents as the experiment group, who met the inclusion criteria. The independent variable was the imagery relaxation technique and the dependent variable was the psychological and biological acceptance responses. Data were collected by using observation paper. The result showed that there were some differences between the control group and the experiment group in heart rate (p=0.000) and the respiratory rate (p=0.000), but there were no differences in the control group`s systole (p=0.476) and diastole (p=0.630). Conclusion: the imagery relaxation technique has significantly effect on the psychological acceptance response and the biological response (the respiratory rate and the heart rate)

    Knowledge-Management-Based-Nursing Care Model Improves Patient Adherence to Tuberculosis Treatment

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    Introduction. Pulmonary tuberculosis remains prominent as one of public health problems in the world. Patients’ non-compliance to treatment is a significant contributor to drug resistance. This study aimed to develop and to test the efficacy of a nursing care model to prevent non-compliance. Method This study consisted of two phases: phase one, model development, used a descriptive analytic, and phase two, model testing, employed a quasi-experimental design. Participants, comprised both patients and nurses at two health care centres in Surabaya, were recruited by consecutive sampling. Data were collected by interview, self-administered-questionnaires, check-list and focused group discussion. Data analyses were performed using both partial least squares and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results. The model was statistically effective to improve nearly all aspects of patients’ compliance to TB treatment (knowledge, discipline in taking medications regularity of controls, and abilities to monitor the results of treatment with p < 0.05), except for abilities to cope with drug adverse effects (p = 1.000). This is possible because seldom do patients aware of the medication side effects, so their experiences were probably limited. Conclusion. This study concludes that the KM nursing care model was proven effective to improve patients’ adherence to treatment. Future study is suggested to evaluate the impact of the KM nursing care model in bigger population. Keywords: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, patient compliance, nursing care model, knowledge management

    Knowledge-Management-Based-Nursing Care Model Improves Patient Adherence to Tuberculosis Treatment

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    Introduction. Pulmonary tuberculosis remains prominent as one of public health problems in the world. Patients\u27 non-compliance to treatment is a significant contributor to drug resistance. This study aimed to develop and to test the efficacy of a nursing care model to prevent non-compliance. Method This study consisted of two phases: phase one, model development, used a descriptive analytic, and phase two, model testing, employed a quasi-experimental design. Participants, comprised both patients and nurses at two health care centres in Surabaya, were recruited by consecutive sampling. Data were collected by interview, self-administered-questionnaires, check-list and focused group discussion. Data analyses were performed using both partial least squares and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results. The model was statistically effective to improve nearly all aspects of patients\u27 compliance to TB treatment (knowledge, discipline in taking medications regularity of controls, and abilities to monitor the results of treatment with p < 0.05), except for abilities to cope with drug adverse effects (p = 1.000). This is possible because seldom do patients aware of the medication side effects, so their experiences were probably limited. Conclusion. This study concludes that the KM nursing care model was proven effective to improve patients\u27 adherence to treatment. Future study is suggested to evaluate the impact of the KM nursing care model in bigger population

    Deskripsi Keterampilan Metakognitif dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Ditinjau dari Gaya Kognitif Konseptual Tempo

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    Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa pada SMP Negeri 26 Makassar kelas VIII sering merasa kesulitan dalam memahami konsep materi SPLDV, terlebih ketika siswa dihadapkan pada persoalan yang lebih rumit serta bervariasi. Siswa juga cenderung belum dapat mengontrol proses kognitifnya dengan baik dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan metakognitif siswa masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterampilan metakognitif siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika yang bergaya kognitif konseptual tempo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tes gaya kognitif MFFT, tes pemecahan masalah matematika dan wawancara. Indikator keterampilan metakognitif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah keterampilan merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 1 siswa yang bergaya kognitif Fast accurate, 1 siswa yang yang bergaya kognitif impulsif, 1 siswa yang bergaya kognitif reflektif, dan 1 siswa yang bergaya kognitif slow inaccurate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Subjek yang bergaya kognitif Fast accurate dapat menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah matematika dan mampu melakukan aktivitas keterampilan metakognitif pada tahap merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi, (2) Subjek yang bergaya kognitif impulsif dapat menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah matematika tetapi hanya dapat melakukan aktivitas keterampilan metakognitif pada tahap merencanakan, (3) Subjek yang bergaya kognitif reflektif dapat menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah matematika dan mampu melakukan aktivitas keterampilan metakognitif pada tahap merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi, dan (4) Subjek yang bergaya kognitif slow inaccurate dapat menyelesaikan soal pemecahan masalah matematika tetapi hanya dapat melakukan aktivitas keterampilan metakognitif pada tahap merencanaka